Being a teenager is like living your life with your heart on your sleeve and doing everything you can to protect that heart. Sometimes that looks like shutting down and pulling out or feeling everything deeply and not knowing what to do what all of that passion. Whether you are currently a teenager or deep into your adult hood, this energy lives in you alive and well.
Each of us holds this beautiful and vital aspect of our being inside of ourselves. This is the part that first awakened to the truth of the world and was expected to know what to do with all that came with it. This is the part that feels in vivid color yet hasn’t gotten the support to process and understand those feelings. This is the part that needs you to feel them so they can feel safe in the world again and free to express the wide range of their being.
The inner teenager is one of my favourite and most beloved parts both in myself and others. My own is named Rai though she represents much more than my teenager too. Over the years I have gotten to know her patterns and the way that she tends to hide from the world when it starts to become too much. She is sensitive and caring, yet these qualities can overwhelm her and cause my inner protector to come in more strongly.
Over the years of working with her I have created a space inside that allows her to be safe in everything that she is. The mess, the bliss, the truth, the fear, the joy, the love. She has a place to just BE and she knows that if she needs me, I’m there. Because of this I have been able to go so much further outside my comfort zone than I ever thought possible.
There was a world in which I could have never imagined having the desire to work with people or serve other people. Potential judgement from others would lock Rai into a freeze of shame and self punishment. The fear and dread would consume her, and therefore me, until I could not do anything that I didn’t feel completely comfortable with. I reached a point at a fairly young age that I no longer wanted to live in this vortex of fear and recognized that there was so much more to life than what I could see before me.
Working with this part of you is SO enlivening and rich and many people would be surprised how much their inner teenager is still intact. Those who are younger have easier access to their teenagers and accessing them so young is so ideal for allowing them to heal and discover who they really are.
If you’re feeling a call and desire to meet this part of you, then I so recommend a group call that we are having this Sunday for Divine Self Embodiment led by Raphael and Jelelle. They will begin with teaching about this aspect and then will move into a guided journey to meet them. After that you are welcome to share another your experience in a supportive and loving environment, or take in the experience of others which can be so inspiring! More info here
Hope to see you there!
Love, Raianna Raianna is an apprentice facilitator offering Divine Self Embodiment 1:1 sessions over zoom and in central Portugal to teenagers (with parental consent) and young adult women. More info here.