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About Divine Self Embodiment Process

Service & Story


Embrace Your Humanity,
Embody Your Divinity

This is a time of humanity’s Great Awakening out of the lower dimensional 3D traps, suffering cycles, and incarnational/karmic loops experienced for so many lifetimes…and into remembrance of our higher dimensional essence as love, as light, as joy, as goodness, as the Divine IN our bodies.

This is a time of so much support being available through cosmic downloads/upgrades, reunion with soul and galactic family, conscious relationships with our Divine counterparts, and living in a resonant soul family community with a shared consciousness.

This is a time of catalytic transformation and moving into service of love on all levels, firstly to self and then in overflow to others.

This is a time that we have all been waiting for, preparing for, and ultimately why so many awakening, advanced souls incarnated into the Earth Plane this life!

However, so many awakening souls experience that there is actually more suffering that comes up in response to the therapeutic and spiritual activations/practice/therapies that they are engaging in as they move out of 3D mainstream consciousness and into 4D (soul consciousness). Suffering comes up as differences between you and others socially (esp. In birth families) and in romantic relationships is illuminated, becomes even more conflictual, and difficult with karmic patterns from other lifetimes bleeding through, plus ancestral and family wounds being triggered.

Your emotional states and reactions often become more erratic and unpredictable, with periods of heaviness and depression as the emotional body and soul field starts to release traumas for this life and other lifetimes into your awareness. Livelihood and survival become more challenging as previous careers and ways of earning fall away as they don’t hold your desire and interest anymore. Your physical body goes through many purges, clearings and detoxes as it can no longer tolerate the processed, toxic, and dense food of 3D reality.

Rather than embracing and compassionately responding to this suffering as a portal to self discovery with curiosity and compassion, many spiritual practices and seekers instead want to bypass, transcend, or fix it... seeking more and more peak experiences through plant medicines and other 'peak experiences' that can cause more trauma and difficulty in integrating. Or by being with false light/false god gurus who have unacknowledged shadow playouts that recapitulate soul wounds. Or by becoming certified in modalities that are mentally based, not embodied, and not truly able to answer the daily suffering that parts of you may be experiencing. 

At Divine Self Embodiment, we have discovered through our own awakening process and serving many souls over the years, that the embodied remembrance process of your Divinity happens most organically, deeply, smoothly and even most efficiently not by bypassing the human experience of being in these lower densities through various drugs, diversions, spiritual practices/attainments, outsourcing our own healing/leadership/autonomy and acting as a lone wolf through it all.

Yet, rather, by embracing, feeling, validating, and accepting ALL human parts of us (especially those in shadow/rejected/disowned) and soul aspects in other timelines (especially those most in need of forgiveness, acceptance, healing) who offer bridges and portals of healing, soul gift exchange, and activations within a container offering clean leadership/templating, plus soul family community connection and support.

The Divine Self Embodiment (DSE - pronounced "DESI") process has organically evolved over the years through the experience of co-creators and teachers Raphael and Jelelle Awen individually and as a couple in deep, intimate and committed sacred union partnership together for over fifteen years. It is our way of life and consciousness for which we transact alive goodness and intimacy deepening with each other, individually, and as a soul family community. From the moment we came together, we felt a Divine calling to share and serve from the overflow of our love. Since 2012, we have served hundreds of souls remotely and increasingly here in Central Portugal/Ancient Lusitania/New Earth/ Port of Grail frequencies with  soul family beloveds.

Along the way, we’ve been inspired by and engaged deeply with some other modalities, yet the DSE Process is completely unique in its design, implementation, and results as downloaded by our unique Divine soul counterpart pairbond. This process is based on and responds to what we are currently seeing and feeling most frequently as the needs, desires, frustrations and interests for those on the Ascension path in a cutting edge way that responds to the latest events/downloads/upgrades being offered during humanity's evolution from 3D to 5D consciousness. In offering a process path through Divine Self Embodiment, we honor that each soul's experience is unique while providing a means to navigate the murky grounds of awakening with some 'heart rails' offered by the process.

Divine Union transmissions have been coming through us more in the last couple of years through sound healings with our 432HZ crystal sound bowls, along with toning/singing/light language that goes beyond the mind/3D self ego  to create responsiveness and recoding at cellular/energy/emotional levels. We've also been guided to transparently share our story and experiences through books, videos, and blog/social media posts as a living example of this process and offer a template of an ongoing sacred union exploration and community.

Remote and in-person sessions offer ongoing initiations with DSE Facilitators into this way of life with your soul sovereignly leading the way in collaboration with your Inner Protector/Gatekeeper (inner defenses). The process encourages you to hold parts of yourself and their reactions/discoveries/digestions outside of session space as well, in your daily life, with a deepening sense of their inner world coming alive for you and Divine Self Embodiment truly becoming your way of life in a sovereign and natural way.

We also feel that soul family community is an essential source of support during the awakening and healing journey. Our greatest woundings happened in relationship and heal in relationship. We offer various community engagement events here in Central Portugal, to support individuals and couples in connecting with others on this similar path who are in ongoing sessions with us. Our community events include two day group healing weekends at our home in Central Portugal for those in our community and in sessions. We also offer a weekly virtual Sunday Service over Zoom. 

It is unknown to us how many souls have truly signed up for this depth of processing, accountability, purity, transparency, emotional maturity, and embodiment of Divine love in this life at the deeper levels that this process offers. We remain dedicated to seeding this way of life into humanity's consciousness grids even as we are unattached to the ultimate outcome or measurable achievement. Our mission is to continue embodying this New Earth/Lemurian/Magdalene higher consciousness as a way of life and to offer support and healing transmissions as seeds for our soul family lineage to harvest now and for future generations.

Thank you for feeling into if the Divine Self Embodiment process and community calls to you as a possible heart home.


Raphael and Jelelle Awen 

Home: Classes

Our Story

We, Raphael and Jelelle Awen, met in an emotional and spiritual healing group that was based in Ashland, Oregon in 2004, where we originally discovered parts/subpersonality process work and the importance of awakening/maturing your emotional body. After many awakenings and deep emotional healing and a few years of Jelelle being a Facilitator with the group and Raphael attending regular 1:1 sessions and Men's Groups, we began dating in July, 2008.

We were immediately expelled from this group on account of our relationship, experiencing a painful exit and intense dark night of the soul together, just as we were also in pairbond/soulmate reunion bliss.We were married in March, 2009 after moving from California to Vancouver, Canada.

We share the story of the early years before and after we came together in our book Under The Bloated Banyan: From False Light To True Love, now available in PDF, print, and e-book versions.

We always had the sense that we were meant to share the intimacy we experienced together as a couple with others as the overflow of Divine love and pairbond reunion offered such powerful healing for us. We didn't feel to have children in the physical together, although we have lovingly raised/mentored Jelelle's daughter Raianna since she was a teenager. We have instead birthed a healing offering within the community of our coupleship that expanded out to others.

We began offering space holding and spiritual teaching about parts work, Divine Feminine and Masculine connection starting in 2010 as these grounds of awakening opened up within us in our sacred union. SoulFullHeart was born in 2012 with initial involvement from Gabriel Amara (Jelelle’s ex-husband) and Kasha Rokshana as facilitants/students and as Facilitators.

​We eventually moved from Canada to Mexico in 2014 as a community, following Divine guidance to go experience living on a remote, off-grid ranch to live more simply and deconstruct our 3D-based money earning as painting contractors/business owners. We gave ourselves to gardening and natural building while we were on the ranch. We experienced many non-dual and Divine Oneness awakenings while on the ranch, which Jelelle shares about in her book Keep Waking Up!

In summer of 2016, we were guided as a community to move back on grid and into the city of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to offer SoulFullHeart more easily online through sessions and sharings on social media. Raianna also joined us at this time. We have been offering our writings, videos, group calls, sessions, and retreats/gatherings virtually and in person to hundreds of souls with increasing resonant response and exposure since then.

 From October 2018 until September 2020, we were all called to move back to the Pacific Northwest in Victoria, Canada to connect with the awakening corridor of souls along the New Lemurian coast there and to ground in SoulFullHeart as a local offering along with virtual/remote offerings. 

In September, 2020, Raphael, Jelelle, Gabriel, and Kasha were guided to set out on a one-way journey that began with ten months in Glastonbury UK (Avalon)  We experienced deep activations and integrations connecting to the Heart Chakra energies of Gaia here and the Mary/Michael energy lines. We then left the UK for the mountain and river valleys of Portugal to seed our Community vision of NuMu (New Lemuria) here.

We have been living here as a community (in different formations of members) in close proximity to each other since July, 2021. We have been settled now in Central Portugal for over three years, in a cozy village town, nestled into beautiful mountains and river valleys. There are strong energies of Mother Mary/Queen Marian in these lands, with a long and rich tradition of Divine Feminine worship and visitation happening here, (including at the nearby famous town of Fatima where Mary appeared multiple times to offer messages and guidance.) The nearby magical portal in Inner Earth of Fraga Da Pena and many other natural settings are precious to us, supporting why we are drawn to continue to settle deeper here in Central Portugal.

In 2024, we received the inspiration to change our offering name from SoulFullHeart to Divine Self Embodiment, which feel like it reflects more of an upgraded sense of our service in the world in this next phase. Our intentions are to expand and grow Divine Self Embodiment in ways that reach more of those souls who are ready and desirous of embodying this way of life and consciousness.

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Under The Bloated Banyan Book

"Our story is offered in the hope that it helps to awaken you to the magic and wonder of your own story, and eventually to share in the greatest ongoing and unfolding of all reunions, our reunion with love itself - the one true story from which all stories are anchored."

Raphael and Jelelle Awen, Under The Bloated Banyan: Our Sacred Union Journey From False Light To True Love

Our Sacred Union Love Story 

This video is the first of six sharing our sacred union love story together

Sharing about our Portugal (Port-Of-Grail) Journey Together

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