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About Sahra Magdalene

Divine Self Embodiment Facilitator In English & German


From an early age, I somehow always felt like I didn’t belong in this world. I could feel inside of myself an access to different frequencies and ways of being and feeling with others and inside that didn’t match what I was experiencing on the outside, with birth family, in kindergarten or at school. It was a remembrance that lived in my deepest cells and DNA. It was frequencies of feminine flow and beauty, easy playfulness, and a deep and genuine flow and exchange of love and care that I wanted to bring forward and help others remember as well.


I grew up in a small town in Carinthia, Austria that was (and still is) holding a lot of heaviness and density. In my world, I was immersed in punishing and invasive frequencies where there wasn’t much care or love available. My only beacon of light and opportunity to breathe and take space from those frequencies were with my grandparents.


In my pre-teen and teenage years, I would draw a fair bit of bullying associated with my last name and more racy Italian looks that stood out from the other kids. And while others were finding their passions and future job desires, I just felt it in my bones that nothing out there was of the slightest interest to me. I was yearning and seeking for something that I didn’t even know yet. I moved out of my parents’ home about a year and a half after my high school graduation, during which I wasn’t able to find an entry into the job world in my small hometown and moved in with my grandparents. That’s when I experienced respect, love and care on a daily basis for the first time. It was the first step of my personal liberation.


I then went on to University which was another marker of freedom and goodness as I was immersed in subjects that I truly liked and found interesting. I experienced another longer phase of deep depression after finishing University as the world outside of that bubble just seemed and felt so dense, again. A spark of desire led me to pursue an adventure as an au-pair in England where I spent a year with an amazing and loving family. Being with them was another marker of ‘good brainwashing’, I call it, being immersed in genuine love and care that will always live in my heart.


I went on to live in Berlin in 2012 for seven years and experienced more of my awakening there, mostly in the form of an existential gatekeeper and deeply depressed younger, feminine parts (I would say now after working with parts and aspects like that for the past 6 years.) I have always felt deep existential angst in my being, since teenagehood, which all feels like part of my awakening journey now.

I tried many different things in an effort to help me assuage these strong feelings inside of me, like ‘The Healing Code’, which is energy work that you practice on yourself and which actually offered remarkable results for me personally and was the only thing that could get me through the day for a while. I also did constellation therapy, TRE (tension & trauma release exercises), yoga, meditation and I took in content from spiritual teachers on YouTube. I also entered the world of vegan animal rights activism, which is a whole awakening and consciousness of its own. It launched me into questioning everything, as it shook up my foundation inside and it also helped me to find my voice in many ways and to channel my sacred anger. I now feel this as an awakening to my soul gifts of  leadership as well as I even started my own group.


By the end of my time in Berlin though, I had lost resonance in most of my relationships and even related to activism as I felt there must be more out there, outside of that consciousness bubble. My romantic relationship had fallen apart too and for a while there I didn’t really have a home, I dissolved my work commitment and the city itself became less and less tolerable. At that point I was feeling deeper galactic awakenings as well. At the end of 2018, there was nothing left to do but give away the rest of my possessions, leave Germany and go to Bali for an unknown time without a plan B. 


During that time I would also come across Jelelle, or rather her posts seemed to magically come across my Facebook feed. Each post of hers was even more resonant than the last and it felt like she knew me and was talking about me personally. In her shares, I found the answers I was looking for my whole life.


In Bali I was trying more healing modalities, yet ultimately nothing could help me find the answers inside that I had been looking for my whole life. That’s when I started my first session with SoulFullHeart, which is now called Divine Self Embodiment. From the beginning there was a soul recognition and resonance with the process and community. They were leading a life from the inside out, led by the soul and from their purifying hearts. I made quite amazing discoveries right away with my Gatekeeper and my inner child, who transformed from sad to remembering visits from Star Family and flying across the backyard of my childhood home.


I went on to a few years of ‘Workaway’ experiences in England, Germany, and Austria where I was drawing some disempowering circumstances, which I feel as a soul theme now. Throughout all that I had the DSE community, sessions and online events as a consistent home and light beacon and heart and handrails. Eventually I found a stable home and started building my online teaching business and in August of 2021, I joined the community to live in person in Portugal.


Nowadays I’m in deeper differentiation from ‘Bianca’ which is my birth name and I’m relating  to her as a part that mostly navigated birth family and life up until now. I’m now moving more into soul terrain, exploring soul themes that have been expressing this life as well, connecting with soul aspects and receiving and letting in Divine Love to deepen on my embodiment journey. It feels like a calling to discover and integrate all the expressions of me and my soul to become my own version of the Sacred Feminine.


My process over the years included connecting with, feeling and differentiating from Gatekeepers, wounded masculine aspects, wounded masculinized feminine aspects and their dynamic, Inner Child/ Teenager, my Reptilian Self, unplugging from the matrix and feeling through galactic programs and abduction frequencies. I’m landing and anchoring more in the realm of the Holy Magdalene Family inside of myself and in my heart these days. 


We all live in the same village in Central Portugal together, just a few walking minutes from each other. I live together with my three cats that I adore in a beautiful nature setting with an old pine tree in my backyard that I connect with every day.



We highly recommend taking in more about the Divine Self Embodiment process through sharings from us to get more sense of what we are offering and feel into your resonance and draw with it. You can watch the many videos on our YouTube Channel, and read writings on our blog, my social media pages on FB, and IG.

Experience of the DSE process is also offered through virtual and in person group events.

Rose Flower

The only support I had available to me during a recent Dark Night phase was my Divine Self, which could actually start to come in in this storm, and Divine Mother who I have been turning to, over and over again during this time. But I could also feel a trust in the soul choice of my circumstances and that they would best support my growth in this time. I felt the intensity, convolutedness and amplification of my process over the years and didn’t want that any more for my parts. I wanted my inner world to be anchored in flow, ease and goodness and I felt a responsibility and accountability to my parts for that.

Finding myself in deep fusions with distrust, battling, judgment, rage and violence and feeling the edge of insanity, I didn’t know if I would ever feel anything else again. The smallness and fear inside were so big I didn’t know if I could survive this. Countless times I wanted to give up or die, but somehow there was also nothing to go back to, the old ground kept crumbling and falling apart. I began to forgive the battling energies inside. 

Tuning into my Divine Self and with Divine Mother’s support who makes the space safe to feel and offers acceptance and forgiveness, I began to feel validation for and a claim of everything I have held and was holding space for, feeling and moving, in the midst of so much invalidation, gaslighting and even amnesia of my bigness and movements. I noticed as my Divine Self I could bring a neutral awareness to anything that was going on inside and stepping into it felt like a portal that dissolved it. It is its own stream of consciousness that can question inner realities without judgment, ask curious questions and bring possibility into a space where there was none before. The trust in myself and my process grew.

I met arrogance, grandiosity and knowing with the humble admittance that I didn’t know and that I needed help as I surrendered to the unknown right before me; I felt through self-absorption and not caring about others; I responded to feelings of not being enough with self-acceptance and to falseness/inauthenticity with a growing sense of honesty, transparency and vulnerability with myself, accepting in every moment who I am and where I’m at and through that increasing the trust and love inside.

This phase has been an inner and outer sorting ground for who I am and what I need but I can only come so far by myself. I need the support of others, be in relationship with them and I need to feel connected to human hearts as without that it feels like slow suicide. I can only be Me in connection with others who are on the same heart and soul frequency as I am.


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