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Divine Self Embodiment Events

Virtual Events 

Coming together into one virtual space as a group in the Now.... with focus on a particular place, topic, and transmission for each individual, each heart, each feminine, each masculine and the collective too

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Bridge To Your Inner Protector

Guided Meditation Journey & Sound Healing Transmission Virtual Group -

During the group call with Raphael and Jelelle, you will:

EXPLORE: through our teachings/sharings about the Inner Protector and how they shift through the ongoing Divine Self Embodiment process from guard to guide, how your Protector shows up in your life, in relationships and may be blocking/disconnecting you from access to your deeper feelings, vulnerability, and intimacy with yourself and others 

​RECEIVE: through our sound healing transmission with our powerfully cleansing 432HZ crystal sound bowls, chimes, and Divine Union toning/singing/light language & Divine Mother/Father messages/channelings


​JOURNEY: through a guided meditation journey to bridge to your Inner Protector and begin or deepen your existing connection with them opening up differentiation to allow negotiation


​RECODE: through powerful and intentional ‘I AM’ affirmation statements individually and together to assist your Protector in upgrading from guard to guide; Divine block to channel; fear to love


​SHARE: through chat and optionally on video to receive resonance, support, and reflections from us and others about your Inner Protector

Over Zoom, we will gather together and you can join us live to share/receive/contribute in that way and/or take in the recording later in the convenience of your own timing.

Our soul family community that lives nearby and other souls involved in our DSE process through remote/local connection will be joining us too. This creates an established soul family field for you to join in with, yet still feel warmly welcomed, embraced, and also accepted for where you are in the moment.


June 30th, 2024
17:00-19:00 WEST/UK - 12:00 EDT

Open donation, usual is €11
Payment options

Once you offer your donation, we will send you the zoom link and recording afterwards

Note: This group call is included in the monthly membership in our private, online community with exclusive resources called The Portal. More info to become a member here.

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Weekly Lovestreams - Free on Facebook

Join Raphael and Jelelle as we show up virtually in the moment to share with you whatever is moving through our heart and soul fields during weekly lovestreams (as we are calling them) on Facebook. You are welcome to join us live to ask questions, leave comments, give/receive some love...or to take in the recordings afterwards on our Facebook feeds and our Divine Self Embodiment YouTube Channel.

The content of what we share during the lovestreams will depend on what Divine inspiration is moving through us that week, yet could include:

- energy and ascension updates connected to sacred portals/dates/events

- teachings and inspirations related to our Divine Self Embodiment process and sessions

- personal and couple process updates

- responses to your questions/comments

- announcements about upcoming events and offerings

- sound healing transmissions with our 432HZ crystal sound bowls, chimes, and Divine Union toning/singing/light language & Divine Mother/Father messages/channelings

- guided meditation journeys to connect with whatever part/aspect comes forward for you, guides, high energy portals, places and ‘rooms’ of need/trauma, and higher dimensional space in nature/Divine Mother’s Garden & Healing Pools, etc.

We'll invite you to share about your personal experience during the lovestreams and receive resonance, support, and reflections from us and others in the comments. Hope you can join us for a swim in the lovestream!


Local Events | Central Portugal

Gathering together into a safe and sacred space in the physical...a soul family reunion in the Now with intention for creating a Unity field for healing, for connecting, for recoding, for dropping into more authentic spaces where love can move, light can reach, and clarity can come

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Inviting awakening souls who are wanting to gather with us near Arganil, Central Portugal for a sound healing evening. We will create together a soul family unity consciousness field where supportive energies come through to stimulate your mind, open your heart, ground your body, and expand your soul. 

During the transmission evening, you are invited to: 

EXPLORE: through our teachings/sharings about the Divine Self Embodiment process, our Divine Union experience, and activation of Christ-Magdalene consciousness soul family codes & within you

RECEIVE: through our sound healing transmission with our powerfully cleansing 432HZ crystal sound bowls, chimes, and Divine Union toning/singing/light language & Divine Mother/Father messages/channelings

JOURNEY: through a guided meditation to connect with whatever part/aspect comes forward for you, guides, and a supportive higher dimensional space in nature/Divine Mother’s Garden & Healing Pools, etc.

RECODE: through powerful and intentional ‘I AM’ affirmation statements individually and together to embrace and envision your next embodiment and growth places and phases

SHARE: through communicating about your personal experience during the transmission and receive resonance, support, and reflections from us and others

CONNECT: through an optional social time after the transmission with others over tea and conversation


Offering these sound healing evenings nearly every month since January, 2024, we have experienced them as blessed, moving, organic, and powerful healing experiences with a range from 6 to 16 of us coming together in right alignment for the moment to create a unity field of healing, transformation, and upgrade. Our intention is to ongoingly offer these on the second Sunday of the month. 


July 14th, 2024

18:00-20:00 (Open Social time sometimes extends until 21:00ish)

Open donation, usual is €10

Payment options 


+351 936 030 162 Raphael Awen on WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram

Please RSVP as spaces are limited for this event. You are welcome to bring a partner/friend(s) as well that you feel would resonate with the experience, just let us know you are bringing them.

Next Sound Healing Evening: Sunday, August 11 at 18:00-20:00 

July 14 Sound Healing Evening


Local Event | Central Portugal

Home: Classes
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9/19-9/23 Autumn Equinox Gathering

Inviting awakening souls to join us for our Divine Self Embodiment Autumn Equinox Gathering Retreat in our home in Folques, Central Portugal (a mountain valley village that is one hour from Coimbra, two hours from Porto) and other sacred places in Central Portugal for five days from Thursday, September 19th through Monday, September 23rd, 2024.

During this five-day immersion ‘away’ from your daily routine, we will create together a soul family unity consciousness field where resonant energies come through to support you where you currently are in realness and authenticity, plus offer a sense of your higher timeline/self embodiment & next choice points.  

During this Autumn Equinox gathering, you are invited to:

INTEND: through setting/naming/connecting to intentions for yourself each day related to your unfolding healing process as you light a candle on our group altar & intentions are witnessed/received by the group field & soul family guides

EXPLORE: through our teachings/sharings/responses about the Divine Self Embodiment process, our Divine Union relationship experience template and core community intimacy, and soul timelines/activations from our favorite sacred sites/crystal waters/nature here in Lusitania/New Lemuria/Port-u-grail

RECEIVE: through sound healing transmissions with our powerfully cleansing 432HZ crystal sound bowls, chimes, and Divine Union toning/singing/light language & Divine Mother/Father messages/channelings

JOURNEY: through powerful guided meditations to connect with whatever part of you/soul aspect comes forward in the moment (Inner Child, Inner Protector, Gatekeeper etc.) and a bridge to your Divine Self anchored into a higher dimensional ‘healing space’ for yourself in nature, in Mother’s Garden/Father’s Grove, etc.

RECODE: through intentional ‘I AM’ affirmation statements individually and together to embrace and envision your next embodiment and growth places and phases

EMBODY: through yoga practices, drumming, and dancing, plus energy healing to clear toxicities/traumas and integrate the Divine codes into your body

SHARE: through personal sharing space for each participant to receive resonance, support, and reflections from Raphael and Jelelle and others

CONNECT: through having meals together, in social space, during outings in nature, and as a community



Thursday, September 19th through Monday, September 23rd

Each day starts at 10am and ends by 5pm (other than last day with our final dinner).

Divine Self Embodiment Equinox/Solstice Gatherings are soul family reunion experiences with group circle days offering our teachings, guided meditations, crystal sound bowl healing transmissions, emotional and spiritual healing through individual sharings and group processes, energy healing, yoga and music/dance sessions, and nature/soul place connection outings in beautiful Central Portugal.

We have now hosted several of them here with 5-8 of us and we'd love to have others join us for this one for the Autumn Equinox in 2024, where weather here in Portugal is beautiful and sunny and it is the perfect time of year for gathering together in community!

Raphael and Jelelle will open the space each day with a crystal 432HZ sound bowl healing, guided meditation and channeling/transmission of Divine and Magdalene frequencies. They will also offer teachings about Divine Self Embodiment that come through in the moment and in response to questions/comments from participants.

We will have daily sharing circles allowing for individual check in and process time, responding to whatever is coming up. We will also offer energy/emotional/spiritual healing and activations for individuals and in group healing configurations that organically arise, facilitated by Raphael and Jelelle with feedback/reflections from the group.

​We will spend a full day at Buçaco Forest, a 105 hectare forest and functioning five star palace hotel with relic forests and ruins from a 1600s Carmelite monastery. We'll have a Summer Solstice meditation circle/ceremony in our favorite meadow with vista views, along with taking in the tall and old tree codes, plus quartz crystal healing water. We have connected to lifetimes here as Carmelite nuns/monks, plus Celtic Druid Priestesses/Priests as well. More about Buçaco here:

We will also spend a half day at magical fairy portal Fraga Da Pena near the village of Benfeita for check in, lunch, a circle and nature/elemental play/swimming in the waterfalls and pools there. We will have tea in the town square in Benfeita at the end of the day.

We will finish a couple of the days with a nearby mediative walk and dip along the trail with beautiful stream and healing pools, offering clearing and digestion. 

​Kasha will lead us in a light yoga flow/stretch and pranayama three mornings before we begin.

We will have vegan/vegetarian meals together for lunch (each bringing their own food) and on the last day as our 'final' meal and completion of the intentional space we have created together. We will also have a music 'jam' with drumming and dance/movement session on the last day.

Joining us for this Gathering is our soul family community that lives nearby and other souls involved in our process through attending our sound healing evenings, 1:1 sessions, etc. This creates an established soul family field for you to join in with, yet still feel warmly welcomed, embraced, and also accepted for where you are in the moment in your DSE process.

This gathering supports your individual Divine Self Embodiment process, yet also significantly deepens and accelerates it as you dedicate the time/space to yourself while being in authentic and transparent group/social space with others also engaging in the process.


Divine Self Embodiment Teachers/Facilitators, Raphael and Jelelle Awen have served hundreds of souls worldwide through virtual/local transmissions/meditations, retreats, and 1:1/couples sessions since 2012. Our transmissions and healing process/way of life provides a template for moving out of separation consciousness into sacred union with self, others and the Divine. We support and catalyze you to embrace change, discover new parts/aspects of yourself, dive deeper, feel more open hearted and lighter, & integrate it ALL into your body.

These gatherings are a unique blend of being in a safe, sacred and held container with thoughtful, skilled, and responsive leadership from Raphael and Jelelle....along with an organic energy that flows into each moment and in response to the processes and needs of the group/individuals that honors the equality and contribution of all.




Prerequisite: having at least a few 1:1 sessions prior to attending with a DSE Facilitator, which allows for calibration and initiation into the process before the deeper immersion that the Gathering offers, and ideally having met us in person already during a local event. 

Cost: €222 euros (or USD equivalent) minimum donation as an energy exchange for Raphael and Jelelle’s facilitation, hosting, and teaching.  You are welcome to pay in installments and using credit/debit/paypal, just let us know what works for you.

Travel expenses to/from Portugal, lodging, and meals are not included in the cost.

Lodging: We have a few rooms available (usually for €20 a night) in a community house in our village and we can help you with finding local, affordable accommodation, coordinate trips to and from the Porto or Lisbon Airports by taxi or bus (Porto is closer), getting food and groceries, etc.

RSVP here as space and community rooms are limited or via FB, IG 

+351 936 030 162 Raphael Awen on WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram



Co-Founder, Teacher, Facilitator, Author

Co-Founder, Teacher, Facilitator, Author


Event Testimonials

"Thank you both so much for that sound healing evening. I actually fell asleep but had a very restorative snooze which is probably what I needed. Feel blissed out though so I think something good happened. Thanks a lot!"- Pip

If you attend a local/virtual event, you can receive a free copy of Free To Be 5D in PDF version & audiobook read in Jelelle's voice to support you in and provide bigger context for your Divine Self Embodiment process.  

Free To Be 5D: Navigating Ascension From The Inside Out

"A beautiful book that takes you into a journey within where you meet interesting characters waiting to be discovered and bridged where the final destination is always oneness and love. Thank you, Jelelle Awen, for helping humanity to 'know thyself' and to shift into christ consciousness." - Nathalie - Amazon Review 

Get in Touch

Raphael Awen: WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram +351 936 030 162


Folques, Portugal

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