Divine Self Embodiment Events

Virtual Events
Gathering together into a safe and sacred space in the virtual...a soul family reunion in the Now with intention for creating a Unity field for healing, for connecting, for recoding, for dropping into more authentic spaces where love can move, light can reach, and clarity can come
We are offering this weekly Sunday Service with us to create a consistent, sacred container for inspiration, connection, and guided experiences. Through our Divine Union transmission and community sharings, your Divine Self receives templating, support and inspiration for your awakening consciousness journey and deepening embodiment of Divine frequencies.
Join us for....
Inspirational Teachings: Sharing our latest downloads, transmissions, and guidance
Guided Meditations: Communal journeys to deepen inner connection and support 3D to 4D to 5D embodiment
Sound Healing and Music: High-vibrational experiences through playing our crystal bowls and drums, toning and song
Community Participation: Opportunities to share, receive support, or simply observe in resonance
Sacred Reciprocity: A space to offer donations as an intentional exchange of energy and gratitude
These free and open-to-all gatherings start at 17:00pm GMT (Portugal/UK) /12pm EST and usually end around 19:00pm GMT/2pm EST are held virtually over Zoom, with replays available on this website, our YouTube Channel and FB Feed. Sharing is completely optional as all attendees are muted and off camera the whole service and can enter/leave as you wish. This ongoing event is hosted by Divine Self Embodiment Teachers Raphael and Jelelle Awen with sharings from DSE Facilitators Kasha, Sahra and Raianna.
This Sunday Service offering draws from our three years of hosting monthly in-person group work, plus many virtual group calls and brings that transformative energy into a virtual, accessible format on a consistent basis.
Happens EVERY Sunday 17:00-19:00pm GMT (Portugal/UK )- 12pm -2pm EST
Donations are gratefully received
Recording links are shared below and on our Divine Self Embodiment YouTube Channel
Sunday Service

We are excited to be offering our most favorite Sacred Union themes for exploration and transmission during our virtual Sunday Services in February:
February 2 - Boundaries and Bridges: Navigating Relationships in 3D, 4D, 5D
February 9 - Hieros Gamos: Deepening Inner Sacred Union
February 16 - Divine Union: Coming Into Alignment To Draw Or Deepen With Your Counterpart
February 23 - Divine As Beloved: Inner Union With The Divine As Foundation For Outer Sacred Union
Boundaries and Bridges: Navigating Relationships in 3D, 4D, 5D
Sunday, February 2 -
For this week's Sunday Service on Sunday, February 2nd at 17:00-19:00pm Portugal/UK - 12pm -2pm EST over zoom, Divine Self Embodiment Teachers Raphael and Jelelle will explore the relationship between boundaries and union; highlighting how healthy boundaries create the foundation for sacred connection with self and others.
Boundaries in relationships evolve in 3D, 4D, 5D consciousness, reflecting ever deeper healing and alignment within ourselves. We will share about how 3D consciousness often operates in extremes: enmeshment (codependence) or complete disconnection (cutting people off without completion or digestion). Boundaries are often unconscious, fear-based, and reactive, reflecting unmet emotional needs, power dynamics, or survival strategies.
The "in-between" stage of 4D while the soul awakens often includes experimentation with
‘Setting boundaries’ as desires, needs, perceptions and self image shifts into more self worth and connection. People may swing between hyper-inclusiveness into more avoidance/hyper-independence (lone wolf tendencies) as awareness comes in around codependent patterns in relationships from this life and other lifetimes.
In 5D, boundaries are more like bridges, offering access only in mutual self-love and love for others, rooted in transparency, integrity, values resonance and trust in Divine alignment and timing. Healthy conditions are honored in relationships to preserve sovereignty and safety, but without judgment or "charging" toward others who don't align.
We will share our experiences as individuals, a couple, a community and in service with relationship boundaries and how the DSE process supports our consciousness evolution in this area while also being a powerful growth mirror for us all.
During the meditation, you are invited to connect in a journey through the 3D, 4D, and 5D approaches to boundaries and specifically to connect with parts of the self that may feel enmeshed, avoidant, or overly independent, and offer them love and integration. We will also offer a bridging connection to your Divine Self for safety and support….plus Divine Mother and Father.
Playing our 432HZ crystal bowls clears dense energies tied to fear, scarcity, and survival consciousness to open up to higher frequencies of love. Plus, our toning, singing, and 5D I AM affirmation statements to shift to activating higher vibrations, such as sovereignty, abundance, and unconditional self love.
We'll then invite DSE Facilitators/Community Members Kasha, Sahra and Raianna to share their thoughts, feelings, reactions to the teachings and meditation, plus other participant sharing (if interest and time) as well.

Sunday Service
Sunday Service

Boundary Setting In Relationships: DSE Sunday Service | Raphael & Jelelle Awen

Ongoing Awakening From The 3D Matrix: DSE Sunday Service W/Raphael & Jelelle Awen

5D Divine Will Alignment & Surrender: DSE Sunday Service W/Raphael & Jelelle Awen

Get in Touch
Raphael Awen: WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram +351 936 030 162
Folques, Portugal