To the precious inner child,
I honour you both in the pain you’ve had to endure and the light that you bring to my life
I’m sorry I could not protect you from all that you’ve been through
There were many lessons to be learned this life, yet your innocence was truly impacted
You are a symbol of peace, innocence and purity which is all that you deserve in return
What you have seen and experienced does not represent who you are in your core, nor what you deserve now
So I’m sorry I could not protect you but I thank you for the light and love that you are
Thank you for your joy and your ability to see the good in everyone
Thank you for your purity and the goodness you seed in the world around you
Thank you for your playfulness when life gets a little too heavy
Thank you for your easy forgiveness of me and those around me
Thank you for your love and for keeping my heart beating strong
From here, I will make sure you are heard, felt and seen the way no one else could before
I promise to give you what makes you happy and your heart soar
I promise that you will no longer remain in the shadows, forced to bear the past
I love you, sweet one, and I can’t wait to have you in my life.
This letter was inspired by the process of meeting and getting to know your inner child and how it can start with so much pain while trying to heal your childhood wounds. They can be so fragile and tender yet what I’ve come to know about them is they quickly turn to forgiveness, love and genuine joy.
They don’t want to stay in the pain though other parts may cling to that pain for different reasons. Connecting with the inner child allows this pain to finally be seen and heard by you, even if this pain has been pushed to the shadows thus far.
It’s a magical part to work with as they showcase so much of our true essence. They see others for who they really are, not the protection they choose to have. They have a passion and excitement for life that can often be hard to maintain as adults.
Embracing this part of you can heal so much of what we came into this life to learn and experience. It’s a powerful portal and a key piece of our heart and souls. Raphael and Jelelle will be teaching about this aspect tomorrow in a group call if you are interested in connected more deeply with your own inner child. They will also provide a meditation to meet this part of you so you can begin the process of connection and reconciliation.
There’s a magic available here that no other part but this inner child, and eventually the star seed, can provide!
Recording is available of a recent group transmission call with Raphael and Jelelle Awen with teachings, meditation and sharings about the Inner Child.
Also here is a writing about the inner child with journal questions and a guided meditation if you would like to connect with this part of you.