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Moving Out of Void Space and Into Filling UP With Love

Writer's picture: Jelelle AwenJelelle Awen

The void space is being pushed up now….the space ‘left behind’ when your soul wakes up inside of your 3D life and your consciousness shifts into fourth dimensional (4D) and you make choices to align with your soul frequency.

I feel 4D as a consciousness phase of much sorting through, learning and re-education about the ‘real’ world from the one we’ve been taught. It is a phase of seeing the false matrix and understanding WHY it has been chosen and feeling its impact on your reality and unplugging from it. 4D waters your ‘rebel’ and the void is what happens as you push away from and let go and decondition from 3D mainstream consciousness.

The void is the space that happens when you let go of something you don’t want in order to let in more of what you do but the something new hasn’t come quite yet or not consistently.

In this void, you are no longer as much your 3D version/self of who you ‘used to be’ and yet you are not yet your 5D/higher self coming into your body version that you most want to be either most of the time.

You are in a sacred transition and in between, moving back and forth between the ‘worlds’ and riding the waves of consciousness states and mixed experiences of repeated trauma recapitulation and growth related to this.

The void space is what arises as your Divine self and soul lead you through the awakening process of deconstruction, dismantling what has been to allow what wants to BE to arise into your life. In this process of deconstruction, you are letting go of 3D beliefs and ideas, you are sloughing off conditionings that no longer fit.

This can be a VERY painful process at times as so many parts of you are identified with and attached to these 3D energies and the emotional body purges out all you’ve ingested as you detach. Of course parts of you are attached to 3D because they have HAD to be in order to survive in the dense 3D experiment that you signed up for to grow and to learn.

This attachment to 3D frequencies can especially be felt in long-term relationships (friends, birth family, romantic) that have run out of resonant ground, yet continue on from mostly past energies, codependency, and previous associations.

These relationships can provide an anchor into 3D that feels safe and good to parts of you (especially younger aspects such as the Inner Child and Inner Teenager) as these are the dominant energies that have needed them. There is often an energectic matrix fusion created in these relationships too, sometimes ‘passed own’ from many generations, that makes it challenging to transmute and extract from inside and out.

The void comes from completing relationships like this, from moving on from 3D-based careers and businesses, from leaving familiar geographies, from shifting livelihood means.

The impact and digestion of these choices is your process for quite awhile…the mourning, the negotiating, the eventual letting go. The letting go and more letting go as feelings of isolation, rejection, abandonment, unworthiness, disconnect all come UP from your emotional body to be felt with each movement.

So, then, what is meant to come and FILL this void and this space that has been freed up from all this letting go? When so much has been let go of…….then WHAT?

This question has come up often during our group events and sessions too in souls who have so courageously given up and completed what hasn’t felt like them as they integrate their soul awakenings into their world.

And, then, the ‘now what?’ comes up as a pressing question because you may feel the completion of the lone wolf phase and your cozy cave existence that they have so needed to be in while they went through this 4D deconstruction.

However, remaining too long in the void while feeling loneliness or blocked by anxiety about moving on or existential tensions (fear to move into surrender of the Divine) or stuck in scarcity or lack (which comes naturally as you let go especially of 3D secure money earning) may keep you stuck or capped in your growth if it continues on without inner negotiation.

I’m sharing about this as I feel many souls may be at this place in the moment. I WAS at this place of void many times in my awakening journey where ‘now what?’ was the pressing question.

Some souls may be here after many years of letting go and the ‘being in two worlds’ reality. Surrendering into what love wants to bring you now and where it wants to bring you comes from negotiation and feeling with the parts of you that are afraid, stuck, tense, anxious about moving out of the void and into the NEW.

Ultimately, we are invited to let go in order to then let in.

Love wants to come and fill this void now.

Love wants to move you into your highest reality of letting in and becoming love in all moments.

Love wants to fill the void that you’ve created by your soul choices….love in the form of sacred union relationships with a mate, with friendships, with community. In the form of service of love in the soul purpose form that you are meant to offer it and then receive abundance in exchange for offering it. In the form of sharing your gifts with the world in the ways you are called to and letting in gifts in return. In the form of giving love and receiving love in transactions that serve love.

Moving into receiving love mode and sharing love mode is the next place beyond the void where you are filling up again….only, this time, with the most nourishing frequencies of love as you connect to an infinite love source of the Divine from within you.



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