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Join us in the Portal -
Private, Online Group

Due to increasing polarization, corporate corruption, censorship and noise on mainstream social media channels, and the superficial connections often found there, we have long felt the need to create a virtual sanctuary. Our goal is to provide an ark of meaningful connection through the private online community space that we call The Portal.

Over the years, we've experimented with various versions of this online community and learned valuable lessons about what works for us, our members, and the technology we use. After trying other platforms, we decided to host our community on our own website, allowing you to engage with everything we offer in one place.

Having lived as a community for over a decade, we envision The Portal as a virtual extension of our way of living, loving, and growing together. The Portal is more than just a platform for sharing our content and videos, which are already available for free on our various channels. It is a place to digest, share, receive feedback, and experience transformation inspired by the posts here.

If you decide to join, we hope The Portal becomes a safe space where you can gather, share your thoughts and feelings, and connect with others on the DSE journey. It is a place where you come alive, grow, and feel challenged, where you feel part of a resonant soul family community.


Private Membership by Donation


The Portal is private, intended for those exploring the Divine Self Embodiment way of life through our group calls or local events, sessions, or simply wanting to connect more deeply with us.

Membership is offered through a monthly, intentional donation, typically ranging from 11-33 (or more if you feel inspired). Each month, you choose whether to renew based on your resonance with the process and us as a community, rather than being on an automatic renewal system. 

Your monthly membership includes:

  • One or more group transmission calls over Zoom, connecting to specific portals/energies and deepening the DSE process, with Raphael, Jelelle, and the DSE community.

  • Access to a group forum for sharing with other members via posts and videos, plus receiving feedback from Raphael, Jelelle, and other DSE facilitators.

  • A DSE-exclusive resource library including (eventually):

    • Video sound healing/guided meditation transmissions

    • Writings, posts, and sharings from the DSE community

    • PDFs of all five books by Jelelle and/or Raphael

    • Free To Be 5D audiobook videos read by Jelelle

    • All videos from the Deepen video series from 2022 (ad-free and easily accessible videos through the group)

Only members can see the content, and all memberships must be approved by us as the hosts.


Further instructions:


To join The Portal, we ask you to listen to the video of Raphael and Jelelle below sharing more about their deeper heart, vision and invitation for The Portal, then be in touch with us sharing what you feel in response to the video, why you would like to join and your connection to the Divine Self Embodiment process through contacting us at or via the contact form on or via social media.


Once approved by one of us, we will let you know via email (or other contact method we have for you) and you can then offer your first monthly donation amount (usual is 11-33) via a payment method listed on

Once we receive your payment, we will send you an email titled ‘Welcome To The Portal’ which is an invite to join the Portal via an email link (check your spam folder if you don’t see it) and then click “go to the group."


To Join The Portal via phone or tablet app:

(This is recommended as it has the best user interface and is easiest to be current with and post to)

Get the spaces by wix app on the app store

Find DivineSelfEmbodiment app site

Join to become a free subscriber/member of the public DivineSelfEmbodiment app

Click on the ‘groups’ tab

Click on the 'portal group'

You are now free to post and comment on the private Portal group


To Join via browser on laptop:

The 'Go to the group' link in your email will take you directly to The Portal private page on the website if you are on your laptop with web browser open:


Once on The Portal, we'd love for you add a picture to your profile and an introductory post to share with us why you are on the Portal and your connection/experience of the Divine Self Embodiment process 

We look forward to connecting with you in The Portal! 


Raphael and Jelelle Awen, Kasha Rokshana, Raianna Shai and Jasper Meadows

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