Divine Self Embodiment
Couples Sessions
Experiencing Heaven IN Your Body
In Your Relationship....
Divine Self Embodiment couples session offer a sacred and safe space held where you can journey as a couple and individually into deeper discovery...unfolding, exploring, healing, clearing, revealing, being and curiously connecting with any part/soul aspect who comes forward in response...leading to more clarity about and openings within your relationship.
Romantic relationships between awakening souls offers the most challenging growth ground that brings up our deepest vulnerabilities and fears (our 'trailing edges' as we call them) to the surface. Navigating a sacred relationship with a partner in a consistently loving, vulnerable, and nourishing way for both of you is about being able to understand, connect, and feel to what is happening within you for parts of you, heal the polarized dynamics within you, connect to and clear karmic patterns/configurations, access your higher dimensional soul bonding and then overflow that self-love and soul love into relationship with each other.
Couples sessions with Raphael and Jelelle Awen over Zoom or in person here in Central Portugal offer a new, fresh, and effective way to navigate sacred union. Rather than focusing on the 'horizontal ground' of the relationship as most couples/marriage counselling sessions or on 'saving the relationship' or on which partner might be 'blame' in any given moment, a Divine Self Embodiment Couples sessions is centered around each individual and their processes as the primary focus.
Each partner gets an equal amount of time in the couples session to share their process and 'drop into' a part(s) or soul aspect (s) of themselves. This drop in may be related to or triggered by the relationship or a relationship pattern in the soul bond. You then become witness to your partner's process, which just naturally increases your capacity for understanding, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness toward each other.
We as Facilitators provide a safe space for each partner to explore the depths of their vulnerabilities, fears, desires, suppressed truths, relationship traumas, etc. without fear or concern of retribution, conflict, or defensive reaction from their partner. We alternate serving as Facilitator for both partners, asking questions and offering reflections in order to provide to both a sacred masculine and a sacred feminine template of loving sacred union to you.
We also take you on journeys as a couple to connect with the higher dimensional source of your Pairbond Source Field, bridge to Divine Union guides to support the relationship and each partner, bridge to your Bridal chamber for sacred sexuality activations/healing/upgrades, Divine Union codings, & relationship upgrades, and assist with conscious completion and closure of relationship if needed.
We have been living by and facilitated by this process of personal parts process and soul aspect integration work for over ten years and in sacred union relationship together for over 15 years, so our experience of the 'inner' approach serving the outer bond is the place from which we serve the love in your relationship.
The three areas of healing that we offer individuals are the same for couples as they would explore the same grounds in individual sessions with Raphael or Jelelle, along with the sessions with partner. This process allow for deeper layers of negotiation and transformational initiations leading overall to:
healing of trauma from this life and completion of traumatic, karmic soul patterns
increasing soul awakening and gift activation experiences
transaction of sacred union relationship, sexuality, & draw/transaction with your Divine Counterpart
unplugging from the 3D and false light/false god Matrix conditioning/programming
false ego deconstruction and embodiment of your authentic self
vital healthy body and detox/transmutation on a cellular level
clarity and support for your soul purpose expression and next steps to life
soul family karmic clearing and reunion
and ongoing embodiment of your Divine Self
Areas of Focus
You may have a sense right away of which area you need to focus on individually and as a couple, yet, you also will have a free 30-45 minute introductory call (for each individual or as a couple) over zoom with Raphael and/or Jelelle (described more below) or both to help you get more clear about what is most needed, if the process is right for you as a couple, etc.
Sessions are described separately below in three main categories, yet they usually occur with an arising combination of all three approaches to some degree in response to what comes up and the 'type' of session varying as you continue along in the process in an organic way.
Each session is in active and conscious connection with your Inner Protector and/or Gatekeeper (Protector at the soul level) which allows more access to your soul field, emotional body, and physical body with deeper transformation, quantum clearing, less resistance, and lasting results.
Divine Healing & Connection
Individual and as a couple
-Channeling Divine Mother & Father, Ascended Teachers messages, support, and tuning in/activating your channeling abilities
- Healing Journeys to 5D Mother’s Garden and Father’s Grove
- Healing Journey to the Separation Wound
- Divine Orphan/Child healing
- Tuning into/channeling your Divine Union Counterpart, current relationship partner, relationship configuration
- False God healing/unplugging
- Divine Self codes & connection
- Ascension Codes healing/activation
- Soul purpose identification (akashic records) & livelihood alignment
- Bridge to Star Family/Galactic activations
- Connect with higher dimensional soul guides

Self Healing and Individuation
Individual and as a couple
- Romantic partner, friend, family relationships clearing, digestion, negotiation
-Mentoring/coaching in practical to relationship life choices
-Parts work differentiation/maturation (Inner child/teenager, etc.)
-Soul aspects connection, retrieval, bridging, soul gift exchange
- Quantum reconfiguration w/Gatekeeper as bridge
- 3D ego/false self identification and deconstruction
- Trauma healing and clearing from this life and other lifetimes
- Mediumship channeling of passed family/friends/mates in spirit for healing & reconciliation
- Abduction trauma healing w/your Star Seed child
- Birth Family/ancestor/generational healing configurations
- Animal communication/totems

Embodiment Healing
Individual or as a couple
- For women: Womb support, hormone balance and healing, diet/supplement, energy healing w/Jelelle
- For men: Hara, digestion, urinary/lingham support and healing, physical detox/addictions, plus diet/supplement energy healing with Raphael
- Natural supplement/diet/exercise recommendations tuned into your light body & 3D body detox needs
- Sound bowl healing & toning/light language activation
- 3D body healing (of injuries, illness, pain, chronic issues, etc.)
- Identification/Dissolving of objects, plugs, caps, etc. in the energetic field
- Light Body Activation and bridging
- Fasting, Transition to living on Prana guidance and mentoring
- Sacred Sexuality clearings and openings, bridges to yoni & lingham energies

Donations & Frequency
We have discovered that the most effective and beneficial way to work with couples on an ongoing basis is by meeting with them ideally together as a couple once a month and individually during that same month. So, in the month of May, for example, you would meet as a couple with Raphael/Jelelle and then have an individual session for the man with Raphael and the woman with Jelelle. This combination allows for each person to have their own sharing space to talk and be felt and supported. Then, you can come together again in a couples session with us next to digest and witness together.
A couples session with both partners are for three hours over Zoom (with a brief break) or in person for 100-200 euros/ or USD equivalent depending on what you can afford. We understand that money flow and money earning is in deconstruction right now for many on the awakening path and want to offer our services at an exchange that works for you and us as a reflection of our experience, embodiment and worthiness. Many healers overcharge and then aren’t able to serve many of those in true need and readiness. Please let us know what you can afford in the range that we offer during the intro call and we will also consider a lower amount if you are wanting to meet regularly and longer-term for sessions as a couples.
Individual healing sessions are between 75 and 90 minutes offered over Zoom or in person at Raphael and Jelelle’s home in Central Portugal. Donation range per individual session is 50 -100 euros or USD equivalent per session, which is negotiated with your Facilitator and pre-paid prior to the session. They are described more here.
All remote sessions are recorded to be shared with you and are sometimes shared amongst DSE Facilitators for quality control purposes/training if needed.
We recommend having several sessions with us individually and as a couple rather than just one ‘quick fix’ type session. Regular, consistent frequency of sessions on a monthly, longer-term basis provides the best depth of results and lasting experience.

Once you purchase a session, you will also receive a free copy of Free To Be 5D in PDF version to support you in and provide bigger context for your Divine Self Embodiment sessions.
Free To Be 5D: Navigating Ascension From The Inside Out
"This book was amazing and so full of information. If you are looking for information on ascending to 5D this book is for you. There are a lot of crazy things happening in the world today, this book brings clarity and new insight." Mindy - Amazon review
Get in Touch
Raphael Awen: WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram +351 936 030 162
Folques, Portugal